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Episode #210 - Family Rituals

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You know what really sticks with you…other than a foot fungus? When it comes to our families, the answer is rituals or traditions. Things that are said and done consistently, frequently, that span over a long duration. Going to church and small group a couple of times a month is good, but there’s a reason that only 32% of kids raised in evangelical homes stay believers as adults. This week the guys kick around the issue of family rituals, the glue that can help hold faiths and families together.


To build your child's faith neurobiologically, you must do faith consistently, frequently and over a long duration

Jess Bethke Daily Saying

"I am not what I do

I am not what I have

I am not what people say about me

I am the beloved of God

It is who I am

No one can take it from me

I don't have to worry

I don't have to hurry

I can trust my friend Jesus and share His love with the world"

Myers Family Prayer

I pray there's not a day you can remember not knowing Jesus.

That you understand your need for a Savior at an early age and experience the freedom that comes from giving your life to him.

I pray that praise would be in your heart and on your lips continually.

I pray that you would know who you are in light of the gospel. That you would have a Christ-centered confidence and Christ-centered worth.

I pray that you would hate sin and love holiness.

That you would know the power of the blood to defeat all the works of the one who came to kill, steal and destroy. That you develop relationships based on the drawing of the Holy Spirit.

I pray that you would love the word of God. That you would seek to understand it, hide it in your heart, and base your life on it.

I pray that you will love others well. That you would have a servant's heart and a desire for your life to be used for something greater than yourself.

**Josh was kidding when he said he's "naturally good at Pairadocs topics"; he has to constantly work toward achieving these things by God's grace.


Dr. Jimmy Myers on Twitter: @docjimmymyers, Instagram: @jmyersfam, and Facebook: @docjimmymyers

Dr. Josh Myers on Twitter: @docjoshmyers, Instagram: @docjoshmyers, and Facebook: @docjoshmyers

Pairadocs Podcast on Twitter: @docspodcast, Instagram: @docspodcast, and Facebook: @docspodcast

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