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Episode #209 - On Death and Dying

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It’s been said that there are only two things that are a certainty in this life: Death and Taxes…well, and you could also add the Dallas Cowboys losing in the first round of the playoffs. But your family is going face the death of a grandparent, family member, or friend at some point. That IS a certainty. So, how do we guide our families through this very sad, scary, and confusing life experience? Listen in this week. This discussion is to die for…sorry.


Give yourself grace! Don't judge yourself for your feelings while grieving.

There is no one right way to grieve, but there is a wrong way - avoiding it.


Dr. Jimmy Myers on Twitter: @docjimmymyers, Instagram: @jmyersfam, and Facebook: @docjimmymyers

Dr. Josh Myers on Twitter: @docjoshmyers, Instagram: @docjoshmyers, and Facebook: @docjoshmyers

Pairadocs Podcast on Twitter: @docspodcast, Instagram: @docspodcast, and Facebook: @docspodcast

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