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Episode #200 - Porn: What Do We Do?

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After three episodes dealing with the devastating impact of pornography on a person’s life. The boys thought that a wrap up session was in order. What are some practical step to elevate this problem? Listen in and find out…


Part 1 - how porn impacts our brain

Part 2 - how porn impacts our relationships

Part 3 - how porn impacts the world

You have to get real with someone besides the men in your life.

Pornography is infidelity.

Any sex that is selfish is wrong.

The addict brain tells you the exact thing to do in order to keep you addicted.

Disclosure is essential.

Fear is the opposite of faith.

Find a Certified Sexual Addication Therapist (CSAT)

If your spouse confesses to you:


Hurt, anger, sadness are ok emotions to share.


Dr. Jimmy Myers on Twitter: @docjimmymyers, Instagram: @jmyersfam, and Facebook: @docjimmymyers

Dr. Josh Myers on Twitter: @docjoshmyers, Instagram: @docjoshmyers, and Facebook: @docjoshmyers

Pairadocs Podcast on Twitter: @docspodcast, Instagram: @docspodcast, and Facebook: @docspodcast

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