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Episode #50 - Marital Submission


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What does it mean to “submit” if you’re a wife? Does God call men to a similar sacrificial “submission”? These ideas and more are discussed in this week’s episode on marital submission.

Links to information discussed in the show:

Quotes from the Show:

"For husbands, your leadership is in your service, not in your dictates."

"Both of us approach each other humbly."

Dr. Jimmy Myers on Twitter: @docjimmymyers, Instagram: @jmyersfam, and Facebook: @docjimmymyers

Dr. Josh Myers on Twitter: @docjoshmyers, Instagram: @docjoshmyers, and Facebook: @docjoshmyers

Take a Seat on the Couch:

If this episode hits home for you. If you believe you and your family struggle with this particular area, read below for next steps for you and your family:

1. Both you and your spouse need to come before the Lord humbly seeking his as head of your house. You are both totally depraved, lacking wisdom and discernment to properly lead your family. Prayer is essential.

2. Acknowledge the hierarchy, but know it is not a hierarchy of importance, worth or value.

3. It is about mutual submission, mutual love, mutual respect.

4. If these steps prove too difficult for you and your spouse, call The Timothy Center. Jimmy, Josh or one of their licensed professionals would love to help!

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