Episode #20 - "Shoulding" On Your Spouse
Click the logo to listen to the episode. Do you ever "should" on your spouse? Do you have a spouse that "shoulds" on you? We all have...

Episode #19 - Julie Lyles Carr
Click on Julie's photo to listen to the show. Julie Lyles and Mike Carr sit down with The Pairadocs and share about being parents of...

Episode #18 - Affair Proofing Your Marriage
Click the logo to listen to the episode. The Pairadocs talk about Affair Proofing your marriage. These are timeless tips, whether your...

Episode #17 - Les Parrott
Click on Les' photo to listen to the show. Dr. Les Parrott has been doing marriage counseling, research and mentoring for years. He and...

Episode #16 - Leisure Time
Click the logo to listen to the episode. Now this might sound strange, but couples who struggle to play together - struggle to stay...

Episode #15 - Tim Stevens
Click on Tim's photo to listen to the show. Jimmy and Josh interview Tim Stevens. His pastoral and professional experience provides a...

Episode #14 - Unresolved Conflict
Click the logo to listen to the episode. Have you ever experienced conflict with your spouse? What about conflict that hasn't been...

Episode #13 - Dr. Gary Chapman
Click on Gary's photo to listen to the show. The Pairadocs sit down with Dr. Gary Chapman, creator of The Five Love Languages. His...

Episode #12 - Essential Battles
Click the logo to listen to the episode. The Pairadocs discuss choosing parental battles this week. Parents would run themselves ragged...