Episode #90 - Bennet Omalu
Click on Bennet's photo to listen to the show. This week the guys talk to international movie star, Will Smith…what?...oh,…okay, so...

Episode #89 - Shame Based Parenting
Click the picture to listen to the episode. This week the guys tackle the sensitive issue of shame based parenting. Did your parents use...

Episode #88 - Shauna Shanks
Click on Shauna's photo to listen to the show. Listen this week, as Josh talks to Shauna Shanks. She a blogger, a writer, and…home...

Episode #87 - Mercy in Marriage
Click the picture to listen to the episode. As Christians we like to sing about grace and mercy and listen to sermons about grace and...

Episode #86 - Carlos Whittaker
Click on Carlos' photo to listen to the show. Okay, I’m sorry, but you’re going to absolutely love this guy! The boys talk this week...

Episode #85 - Work-a-holic
Click the picture to listen to the episode. The boys get personal this week and discuss the touchy topic of Work-a-holism. We’re just...

Episode #84 - Susie Davis
Click on Susie's photo to listen to the show. This week the guys visit with Susie Davis. Susie is author, blogger, speaker, pastor’s...

Episode #83 - Social Media Parent
Click the picture to listen to the episode. We talk all the time about how damaging constant social media use is to our children, but...

Episode #82 - Matt Carter
Click on Matt's photo to listen to the show. Listen this week as Josh and Jimmy talk with Matt Carter, pastor of Austin Stone in Austin,...

Episode #81 - They're Gone
Click the picture to listen to the episode. The research tells us that Christian young people of leaving the church in droves, never to...